You ever think to yourself, “That was the stupidest thing ever, why did I ignore a situation for so long?”
I was having a bit of a moment a few days ago, and I questioned why the heck did I take so long to move into a position that aligned with what I wanted most for my life.
Why did I have to feel like life was falling apart before I moved? We should not need to hit rock bottom to choose positive change. Our aspirations are supposed to be some of the most exciting things we experience. Still, I continuously see people waiting until they are at the most uncomfortable, miserable state before they decide to get off their butts and do something.
Now, I’m not on a high horse. I waited forever to make some moves in my life, so no judgment there. I took myself back to the place where I could have decided not to wait, but I did, and here are the four reasons why.
Four reasons why we wait…
You think this is all you deserve. Life isn’t bad, but it isn’t ideal either. Somehow, we convince ourselves since there are other people worse off in life, we should be grateful for what we have. I mean, who are you to think you deserve a more abundant life than your family members or closest friend? You wait, so you don’t have to justify to other people why you want more. You wait because you get that you can create the life that you want, but the people around you don’t, so you think something is wrong with you. Nothing is wrong with you! If God placed it on your heart and in your mind, go, do you. Go and get every blessing with your name on it, and then you can be a blessing to others.
We think it is someone else’s responsibility to fix our problem. We look for answers outwardly before we even consider what we are capable of doing. I was watching Heal on Netflix (if you haven’t seen it, you must) and someone said, “Believe in the diagnosis, but not the prognosis.”
When I heard that, I realised that we do this with our life. We think unless an authority figure agrees with what we want to do, we can’t do it. The prognosis should always be that there will always be possibilities. You have the answer to every problem in your life, but it all starts with asking yourself the right questions. We wait because we think we need someone to validate that we have the correct answers, but you don’t need to wait. When we take responsibility for what we truly want in life, we are also empowered to take action. Start by asking yourself tough questions that require you to dig deep to shift what you have known as truth.
We believe the lie. We need to stop continually telling ourselves why it won’t work. Because of fear, we talk ourselves out of what we know to be true. We end being curious and stop challenging the words of our minds. It reminds me of a quote from The Untethered Soul, “There is nothing more important to true growth than realising that you are not the voice of your mind you are the one who hears it.”
Such a powerful statement. To change what you hear, you must change how you think. Whatever the voice is saying, rebuke it audibly. I’ll ask you today what lies are you believing about yourself that are keeping you bound?
We think it will go away or get better. We need to see things through. Instead, we open ourselves to the pain of our condition, but then we ignore the necessity to release the pain. If you want different results, it is time to make different choices. Whatever you are tolerating, whatever fears you have, they aren’t going away. They aren’t getting any better. They get better when you get better. There are problems and solutions.
Problems don’t go away by wishing, and let’s be real; they don’t vanish by just praying either.
When we pray, it is an invitation for God to intercede, but even when we get the answer to prayer, we still ignore the solution. We think it will change without taking action. If you want something better, you have to do better.
I want to encourage you not to wait. We are in a new decade full of promise and opportunity, don’t let another year pass because you are still waiting. There are so many dreams dying as we wait, don’t let that be your dreams.
Telanna is a life and leadership coach and the founder of the Purpose Minded Woman a personal development company dedicated to seeing women achieve their biggest goals and change their life so they can fulfil their purpose. Find her on Facebook and Instagram @purposemindedwoman and on Twitter @PurposeMWoman.