Twitter user: I’m thankful for the women who saved my life that night

Recently on Twitter, a user asked her followers to share the worst way they have been dumped. One woman’s response garnered thousands of views and retweets as she shared how strangers’ actions saved her life—and they didn’t even know it.

Beullah shared how, one night over 20 years ago, her then-boyfriend cruelly kicked her out of their home while she was in university.

Speaking about her story, she became a strong voice for women who have gone through physical or mental abuse, giving them the courage to speak about their story and overcome their trauma.

Beullah shares the incident took place in December 1997 in California. Her abusive ex was furious that she came home late one night, so he left all her belongings outside the house while it was raining, expecting her to beg him to let her back in the house.

Beullah said, “As I was gathering my belongings and trying to move them to the curb and out of the rain, a woman noticed me and asked if I needed some help.  I was crying so hard and in a kind of shock.  Shaking and unable to speak she sprung into action.”

The woman went inside her home and came back with about eight other women.

They were college students studying at UC Santa Barbara who were living in a huge house down the street.

They all came out and gathered her stuff for her and took her inside, helping her unpack her items that were mostly destroyed because of the rain. They provided her with toiletries and food and allowed her to stay with them.

It was close to Christmas break, so they were all about to go home to spend Christmas with their families but until then, Beullah stayed with them.

While she was with them, Beullah says her ex came looking for her and asked the women to let him in. They refused to open the door for him and gave her the strength to leave him for good.

Beullah continues, “The day before they were all set to depart for the break, they had a Christmas morning gift exchange.  I was invited to hang out and felt terrible that I had nothing to give them to thank them for their help. My sister was coming to get me later that day. And what did those amazing women do?  They had pitched in and bought me some new clothes for Christmas.”

Beullah says, “By the time their winter break was over I was living over 100 miles away and trying to piece my life back together. I never got to thank them.  I carry them in my heart every day.  Thankful for them.  Those women actually saved my life that night.  There is nothing I could do to thank or repay them for that that would ever be enough.”

Several years later, Beullah found out that her ex was shot and murdered by the police. He had been holding a woman hostage and when cornered, he rushed the officer with kitchen shears. When his property was searched, the police found the decomposing remains of his last girlfriend in a garbage can.


Did you know…

100,000 people in the UK are at high or imminent risk of being murdered or seriously injured as a result, with seven women a month being killed by a current or former partner in England and Wales.

The ONS states: “There were 362 domestic homicides recorded by the police between year ending March 2018 and year ending March 2020.” Of the 362 homicides, 214 (59%) were female victims who were killed by a partner or ex-partner. 

If you’re experiencing domestic abuse and feel frightened of, or controlled by, a partner or an ex-partner, it’s important to remember that it’s not your fault and there is no shame in seeking help. It may seem like a difficult step to take, but there is support available.

If you or anyone you know needs help, contact the National Help Line at any time of the day for free.

For immediate help, dial 999. Remember, you are not alone.

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