Thirty-six, single and no children…and I’m okay with it

For most of my 20’s I lived in a world filled with, “What ifs” regarding many of the choices I made in my life . It seems so foreign to me now, but my Disney Princess mentality was REAL. I…
For most of my 20’s I lived in a world filled with, “What ifs” regarding many of the choices I made in my life . It seems so foreign to me now, but my Disney Princess mentality was REAL. I…
Dear MOAM, I recently found out that my boyfriend of ten years has a profile on a dating app. He’s been a member since 2015. One of my friends showed me a screenshot. His name is changed but it’s his…
Dear SheMail, I have a good friend who I adore but she’s always arguing with other females about everything, so when we go places I always feel like something is going to happen. I don’t want the drama (I’m mid-30s)…
Dear MOAM, The guy who I have been dating wants to sleep with me but we are not a couple. I want to sleep with him too. However he told me that he will not do certain acts with me…