Ten questions with….author Kim Roberts

If you have locs and you want your hair groomed, Kim Roberts has been the go-to girl in Bermuda for over a decade, but what many don’t know is that for the last few months, Kim has been immersed in a creation of a different kind–penning her first novel, Shamefully Discreet.

It’s a tale of three friends, who have been thick as thieves since they were little girls, and the twists and turns they’ve endured as they entered different phases of their lives. Set in Bermuda in the 80s and 90s, Shamefully Discreet will have you laughing, screaming and crying all at the same time.

Recently Kim sat down with SheHub for our monthly Ten Questions With…

How did you come to write Shamefully DiscreetI came to write Shamefully Discreet, after signing up to attend a 16-week writers workshop. I registered just to have something to do, only to learn the objective was to write and self publish a novel in 16 weeks.

Were you nervous about writing a book for the first time? How long did it take for you to write the story? No I wasn’t nervous at all. I was immersed in the process by trying to meet deadlines. As a first time writer I was challenged to write a 40,000- word novel. I have a pretty flexible work schedule therefore I was able to complete 47,000 words in four weeks.  I carried my lap top when I traveled in January therefore I was able to accomplish a great deal during te flights. The entire process including the editing stage totalled 16 weeks.

Would you ever do this again? I would only if I had a compelling story to tell. The process was challenging but fun and the people I worked with were amazing so I would only want to do it with them again.

Which character did you enjoy developing the most and why? Hmmmm! that’s a hard one, I enjoyed developing all three characters for different reasons. Tiffany, is such an inspiration! I was able to identify with her tenacity and love for Christ. I was able to identify with India for many reasons.  She was driven, everyone loved her and she lived unapologetically. And else for Morgan, she triumphed over adversity! What I loved most about her is that she took ownership for her wrong doings. It’s very difficult for me to choose one as I love them equally.

In this book you take readers on the journey of three girls whose friendship spans over 20 years. What do you think is the key to maintaining long lasting friendships? I believe the key is to accept and embrace one another’s differences, the good the bad and the ugly. And of course communication, trust and support.

These friends were diehard for each other. What’s the most memorable things you’ve done to show one of your best friends that you have their back unconditionally? The one that stands out the most is when one of my best friends called and needed help in the middle of the night, escaping with her children. When my friends call. I don’t stall, hesitate or ask questions. If they need me I’m there.

Should best friends know everything about each other? Why or why not? I think it depends on the individuals. Some people have trust issues, or are embarrassed to share certain details. If the trust has been established and the friendship as been tested, then yes. Then there are those who have a few friends whereby they confide and deal with each person on various levels. As for me personally, I have been fortunate enough to be transparent and share all sides of my self with my close friends . However, my experience may not work out in all cases.

You have a teenage daughter. What advice have you given her regarding friendships? We actually discuss friendships quite often as most are aware little girls can be catty. I encourage her to meet a wide range of people and advise her not to be quick to label those she meets as friends. Friendships are developed over time. I also strongly encourage her to refrain from gossip and sharing her personal business.  She has learned to treat everyone equally when they come together in groups. It’s a tricky one with teenage girls because you want them to develop healthy relationships.

Would you cut off a best friend if you discovered that she was hiding a secret life from you? No I don’t think so, I only have two deal breakers and that’s sleeping with my husband or stealing my money. I would hope in these two cases if they are truly my friends that this wouldn’t happen. Other than that I wouldn’t take a secret life personal, however I would be curious as to why they didn’t trust me.

What has becoming an author taught you about yourself? Becoming an author has taught me that there is freedom in writing. I became lost in my characters, and was able to express my self, and share common experiences and views in my writing. It also taught me that it is okay to ask for help and utilise my resources in order to ensure a great product. I learned that I had to prepare my self for the harsh and constructive criticism from those I entrusted to be apart of the process.

If you are interested in ordering Shamefully Discreet for your Kindle, please click on link below to preorder (book goes live June 4, 2019). Paperback copies will be available for sale in the near future. Email meeks@logic.bm to reserve your copy.







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