The truth is, you may not be mentally ready to receive the abundance you deserve. In actuality, this is not uncommon. For years, decades even, we have been repeating a certain narrative to ourselves. We have lived in a poverty consciousness for reasons such as we believed it to be a virtue.
Do you feel anxious or unsettled when thinking about abundance? Does your money mindset keep you from tapping into your version of wealth consciousness?
My friend Alexis and I explore spirituality, the practices and tools you can use to prepare yourSelf to welcome abundance into your life today. Listen to this episode of The Sovereign Life podcast to shift your money mindset today!
Terri (Terri2Kool) is the host of The Sovereign Life podcast. Every Wednesday, Terri shares her perspective on financial literacy by sharing experiences, tips and tools, as well as advice to help you become financially lit! Sharing the financial lessons, she has learned on her personal financial journey as well as insight from experts and thought leaders alike, you are sure to be prepared to fix your finances with Terri in your corner!
Visit the podcast’s website here and connect with Terri on Facebook Instagram or Twitter