SheHUB Magazine’s green issue is now available across Bermuda and in the app stores

The first edition of SheHUB Magazine for 2022 is off the presses and on shelves throughout Bermuda. The Green edition is dedicated to all things sustainability with Greenrock Bermuda’s Executive Director Eugene Dean featured as the cover story.

In this edition, Eugene shares with editor Carla Zuill what motivated him to connect with nature as a child and how that has impacted his life throughout the years. Eugene shares that it’s not hard to slow down and appreciate nature, you just have to want to do it.

You can watch Eugene’s interview here.

Also in this issue, SheHUB Magazine speaks with Bahamian farmer Deon Gibson; he shares why he’s passionate about food sustainability, not just in his island home, but globally.

With food prices skyrocketing, many people are converting a portion of their yards into gardens. Are you interested, but not sure where to start? No problem, Bermudian gardener Sean Fubler of Unity Landscaping can do it for you or show you how.

While many love fast fashion, wearing gently used clothing has become unapologetic. Kamilah Lawrence, who hails from St.Kitts-Nevis is building a name for herself with her brand NEARNEW.

Read these great stories and more in the Spring 2022 edition of SheHUB Magazine, which is available across Bermuda at the following locations:

• All Phoenix stores
• The Bookmart
• Bermuda Bookstore
• Robertson’s Pharmacy
• People’s Pharmacy

For those who prefer to read SheHUB Magazine online, it is available for purchase in both app stores. Email to have the magazine delivered directly to your home, no matter where you are in the world.

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