Do you remember where you were last year this time? What were you doing? How did you feel? What promises did you make to yourself? Usually, when I ask this question, I get the stare. How do you expect me to remember that? A better question to ask yourself is, why don’t you remember? Most often the reason is that you’re in the same space you were last year. Have you ever found yourself in your quiet place, reading through an old journal only to be reminded that not much has changed? If we’re, being honest with ourselves, nothing has changed.
You still have money problems, relationship problems and we know that you are sick and tired of going to, “The Man’s Job.”
Nothing has changed.
“We tend to get in life, what we tolerate.” – John Maxwell
It is not enough to think that if you want to change it requires action. What have you been settling for? Year after year you gain knowledge, but nothing ever changes. What are you doing with that knowledge?
Knowledge, after all, is power, right? Or so we have been taught, but the truth is, knowing means you have the potential for power. Unexecuted knowledge has no potential at all.
When was the last time that you did something unexpected and out of character for you? You didn’t care who knew or what they thought or even who saw you doing it. Sometimes, change requires us to go against the grain. Unlearn what we’ve learned and push ourselves to execute on our thoughts.
As a person who doesn’t like change, I understand that it can feel uncomfortable to do things that go against the norm for you. On top of not loving change the last time I checked, I was 92% introvert. Some days it is tough, but I had to decide whether the changes that I wanted to see in my life were more important than a temporary feeling.
So I did something, and I didn’t tell anyone, and it is one of the best things I have ever done in my life. It changed the trajectory of my life. Several years ago, I began a journey to find successful women who looked like me. Yes, successful women are everywhere however in my opinion women who looked like me were rare (even though I knew they were out there).
That journey led me to a conference hosted by Dr. Venus Opal-Reese, founder of the Black Women Millionaire Tour. It was the almost the end of the year, and I had already shifted my mindset that the following year was going to be different, I planned to take action. I saw an ad on Facebook for a gathering of like-minded women who wanted more from life. I signed up immediately. I didn’t tell my husband, my best friend, or my daughter. I must admit, inside I was terrified, did I mention I’m like 92% introvert!
Almost a month went by; it was finally a new year and the day of the event. My inner critic rose up against me, but I shut it down, reminding myself I am enough, and I deserve to be there just as much as anyone else. I remember getting there early, valet parking my car as luxury car after car drove up, I began to think, “I am out of my league. I need to get out of here.”
While we waited inside, I talk to no one, because that’s what introverts do. I observed and waited, then a young lady walked over to me, introduced herself to me and we began to talk. She was just like me in search of an up level for her life. As the night went on, it encouraged me to be in a room with women from all socioeconomic standings. We were a sisterhood committed to being better and doing better because we had determined to make our mark on this world. A judgment-free zone of women who willingly offered guidance, and genuinely wanted to see others succeed.
I left that mini-conference freer than when I entered. You have to make your mind to get up and do something. Life doesn’t get better unless you are intentional about changing it. My quality of life has improved since I decided to be open to what else was available to me. Now, I did find that Dr. Reese wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but she gave me hope enough to continue the journey.
“Nourish the mind like you would your body. The mind cannot survive on junk food.” -Jim Rohn
Stop being content with your life because you feel overwhelmed with your life. Decide to change it. Every time we try to do something we face resistance. Whatever that opposition may be saying to you refuse it because you want more in 2019.
If you are ready to stop making excuses for why you can’t live your best life, live out the vision you have for your life, and make the impossible, possible, step out of your comfort zone and do something unexpected.
Join other women who are up levelling and investing in their life by attending the 3rd Annual Women’s Empowerment Summit in Bermuda on Saturday, November 17th, call 707-8077 for more information.
Telanna is a businesswoman and personal excellence coach. Through her free resources and personal coaching, she helps moms manage their time effectively so can live out their purpose, by permitting themselves to do what they love. Find her on your favourite social media platform @escapeyourmess.