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Tina Laws

Family ties

For many, family is those whom have the same DNA. For others, it’s those who operate, love, sacrifice and respect each other enough to acquire the title of family. For some, it’s a lifetime of love. Others, a few years,…

Bound by mortgage

A client once told me that the reason she remains in her unhealthy relationship was because she and her partner owned a property together. After years of cohabiting and sharing her partner with other women and his drinking binges, she…

You have walked away, now what?

You’ve recently walked away from an unhealthy relationship, now what? For the past few years you have been involved in a committed relationship that has challenged you to question yourself. You have spent countless hours questioning whether or not you…

When will you remove your mask?

For many, home is where you are most vulnerable and transparent. At home, we tend to wear our masks of weakness, discouragement, discomfort, compromise, uncertainty, selflessness, development and growth, exploration, and experiences without feeling publicly judged. Only those who share…

Teenagers get abused too!

When was the last time you talked to your teen about domestic violence? You tell your teens how much you love them. They are aware of your busy work schedule to meet the needs of the family, both personal and…
