
Dealing with mom guilt

Moms everywhere have probably experienced mom guilt at some point in their motherhood.  We cry, stress and get burnt out as we try to run our family affairs.  Mom guilt is real and can affect the dynamics of family life. …

What does family mean to you?

During the month of September, SheHub will be focusing on family. While to some, family simply refers to anyone who shares the same bloodline, to others, family can have a plethora of meanings. SheHub spoke to women from across the…

Bound by mortgage

A client once told me that the reason she remains in her unhealthy relationship was because she and her partner owned a property together. After years of cohabiting and sharing her partner with other women and his drinking binges, she…

Get Your Sexy Back!

Have you ever walked out of the house thinking that you looked so fly?  Then you saw a picture of yourself  and wondered, what the heck was I thinking?

 Well, that happened to me a few weeks ago in Santorini,…

Meandering the seasons of relationships

There is a season and reason for everything in this life and it is further amplified in our relationships. Seasons don’t really come and go; rather they meander into one another. Spring blossoms into summer, summer transforms into autumn, autumn…